Auxiliary equipment series. > Steam generator
Steam generator
Steam generator

Steam generator

Product Overview: ZJF Series Automatic Steam Generator SeriesAutomaticSteam-Generator Purpose: YTT series self-suction ironing table is a high-efficiency ironing worktable used in conjunction with a steam iron. It uses a high-speed motor and multi-wing impeller, has strong suction power and good dehumidification effect, and is an indispensable equipment for ironing all kinds of clothing and improving product quality.
Application Industry:
IWS Integrated Washing System
Public Laundry Factory
Medical Sanitary Washing
Star Hotel Laundry

Technical Features

Steam generator
Improve washing efficiency
Quickly heat the washing water and shorten the washing time.
Enhance cleaning effect
Make the detergent work better and improve the cleaning power.
Remove stubborn stains
Effectively remove stubborn stains with the help of high-temperature steam.
Disinfection and sterilization
Disinfect clothes to ensure hygiene.
Reduce damage
Relatively gentle heating method can reduce damage to clothes.
Save energy
Has high thermal efficiency and can save energy.






Easy to Operate

Easy to Operate

Technical Parameters

Operating Voltagev220220/380380380380380
Motor Powerkw34133937781414374153541632
Maximum allowable pressureMPa0.
Steam productionKg/h4.5914182836
Net Weightkg4095959999120

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